Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Week 17th counting down to end of the year!
just 3 days to the last of 2008! this week baby's 17th week will spend 3 days in 2008 and then begin 2009! baby's been good, less stretching but that makes me non-stop worrying if everything is ok... with me passing 4 months, i have just 5 months to enjoy the the preganancy and begin another new path in my life.
monday 29th - stayed at home and planned what to cook for ny eve. we are having a potluck party for the last day of the year. everyone who can cook or wanna try to cook has to come up with a dish. my cousins and siblings grouped together, pull our funds and i came out with 6 items for the party. then i head out with mil to supermarket to buy stuff for the dessert 1st. then i was home thruout and waiting to watch the ever-long 2 hours little nonya. i personally find 2hrs way too long! early nite for me again...
tuesday 30th - waking up from weird dreams make me so tired! no nothing sexy just weird places and gosh doing impossible things. went out with ann to holland v. we were in search for angmo cooked crab meat. we started out with having pizza at one of our favourite place in H.V.
Da Paolo. althou they have expanded and have many outlets now, ann & i still prefer this shop at Chipbee Gardens. after our eatout we head to track the crabmeat but too bad that they are not bringing in anymore of the crabmeat!!! then i bot myself a froth beater... thou i dun drink coffee, i wanted to to froth the milk for gx! and i got a new purple silicon glove! as i didnt have hands to get joyce her housewarming and post xmas gift, ann said we are gog to go back again next week for a chillout! then we left to go to our favourite bread shop! ann loves the bread at provence too. we then sat down again for early tea! sat next to a couple prop dating and gosh the worse topic - y i didnt go RI jc but instead ACS... OMG! boring! the guy just went ont non-stop! he's prob rich... and definitely boring. lucky for us we got to move a seat away from them but they were speaking loudly in the tiny place... ERGH!!! then we went to shop for the rest of the ingredients and we couldn't find some of the stuff and then we changed a few items for the party. head back to KCB to marinate the chicken wings and went home to rest and pack my room.
wednesday 31st - woke up early to send gx out for work. then refuse to sleep cos of weird dreams again! so i started blogging for the last time on this blog. i have created a new blog as i find no solution for my photo-uploading and i tot its great to have a new blog... nothing exciting for the name of my 2nd blog... is just At the end of the rainbow ii ... ... need to learn to resize my huge pixel photos. something new to learn for the year 2009! gog to meet ann later to get more food items and go back to mum's to cook a storm! hopefully the cousins and bro&gf will come on time to cook! update on the party will be on the new bloggie!
goodbye to my old blog ... where all my treasures are! but i guess the things i will get to learn in 2009 will create another treasure box!
Posted by
elsie thng
8:30 AM
Labels: hightea at 3pm, reflections, restaurant italian, yummy yummy
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Non-stop partying the whole of Week 16th!
Monday 22nd dec - after the wedding, build-the-bear xmas/bdae party, surprise party for uncle j, ann & i organise a luncheon for kidos. we went to disney naturally. my 2nd time here and i still find the place small. stick to the pizzas cos i dun find the rest of the food interesting... excited little ones shop alittle at the bookshop while the mums buy grocery. then feel very xianz... very tired of the things i have to face... worried for mum.
Tuesday 23rd dec - can't wait to chop of my hair! had my long-awaited haircut... couldnt wait till new year! wanted a new look for the new year. after the haircut, nesa and i head for lunch everywhere was crowded! we decided to eat at out of the pan and we got high chair seat near the fountain. pretty cool and nesa was excited. the fountain, the crepes, the dessert was great and of cos sitting in the high seat eating lunch. she asked me how much the lunch cost. for the first time she asked me. when i asked her, she wanted to bring her family here. very filial. then we head back to tpy to meet joyce and got all our ingredients. then we had 3hours baking session. we made our faourite Macadamia nuts, cranberry, white chocolate cupcakes and also dark chocolate orange marmalade cupcakes. i was exhausted after the cupcakes were baked.
to view pictures :
Wednesday 24th dec - woke up very early to decorate the cupcakes for gx to bring to office for his collegues. after gx left i started loading photos and uploading them on facebook. then met up with aunt k and nesa went to novena to do my last minute shopping. then nesa and i ate teabreak while waiting for aunt k to finish her grocery shopping. then we head to aunt o house for the xmas party. the boys were incharge of the party planning this year. they really put in alot of effort to put up a xmas show for the kiddos. i was to help to "control" the kids. it was great! a veyr childlike xmas. aunt o was very nice, she got everyone a gift. i got an extra gift as a thank you gift for planning the past years xmas games. aunt a oso gave the older cousins movie ticket vouchers! aunt a and nesa gave me m&s bathing cream. it was very nice to have a very unique xmas photo this year! a big thank you to the boys who dress up and make the year's xmas different. more xmas pics :
Thursday 25th dec - woke up late and gx bot mcdonalds breakfast. that was our xmas meal. then we laze around and i got to upload all photos to facebook and glad i cleared it! then we prep to head to soh's place for gathering. glad that with the last minute arangement we could meet up and was happy to see mic and agnes too. soh and helen's baby is very cutez with chubby cheeks! we gave the family a doremon doll. mic & agnes gave an elmo to the baby! we had kfc for dinner and played a new board game. then end the meetup with an awfully chocolate rum and cherry cake that M&A bot. also had bens&jerry ice-cream! it was nice to see all of them again.
Friday 26th dec - met my dear fren who i have seen for almost half a year at the busy orchard! everywhere was crowded as many prob didnt work today! with the boxing sale everywhere... endless stream of people! we ate at DTF. had XLB! then we walk about at taka. head to burberry to check out the sale and i managed to find something for gx for cny. good deal as it was 50% off and then with serena's taka card i had additional 10%. met my aunt and cousin and was happy when T hugged me. serena and i walked around and time really flew! we settled at a new cafe at Wisma for tea. the milkshake we ordered was nice. S had choc while mine's vanilla. then we shared an apple pie that was topped with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream. i like the homemade feel of the apple pie but its alittle sweet for me thou. the decor of the place is quite nice and i enjoyed sitting at the "birdcage" area. check out serena's blog for the update and pics!
we walked on to isetan as i wanted to get some bread for mum but in the end i didnt like the smell of the bread then we walked on to borders and met up with Huiyi and kok leong. its also been a long time since i saw them. caught up abit and i head for the train to go back to mum's place. last meetup with the twins before they leave for shanghai... sis got me a organiser from disney and she too love H&M! she got many clothes from HK! glad that gx like the top. slept... i really need sleep very tired but i am glad to meet up with long time no see friends.
Saturday 27th dec - messed up the mess at my side of the room and started trashing things and i have more to go... could have finish packing but i napped for almost 2+hrs! then sis popped by with d to save some pics to go print. their "potato" photographer will take 2months to deliver the photos. eager to have some prints sis printed 700 over pics! 500+ from wedding and 200+ from her short trip in hk. then gx and i prep to go over to pat's house for bbq. good to meet up with everyone at the party. each time i meet a mum, i always learn new things! tired as usual once i hit the bed.
Sunday 28th dec - lazy sunday. came up with a list of things we need to get for the baby. then we looked thru the newspaper for sales items. wanted to go town to check things out but we ended up being so lazy, didnt want to be in the crowd... we stayed at home and again i napped for a couple of hrs. think i have used up my energy over dec! then woke up to watch dvd with gx. Mummy 3. then we head home for dinner. mum brew me a whole pot of chicken essence. i am a veyr lucky gal cos mum feeds me the most delicious soup and tonics. also my mil is preparing home cook food every monday with nourishing soup. then we head home to park the car then we walked over to get some grocery for our baby! on the list - milk powder, fruits and a packet of chips! yes potato chips are no good... but sometimes we need to indulge and trust me i dun finish the whole pack! i like to keep some for the next few days to savour. gx got hooked on nectarines. we ate some at mum's on friday and then he was off to find some and he was so ready to set his teeth into one once we got home. slept and have been having weird dreams... hope i dream of something nicer...
Posted by
elsie thng
9:41 AM
Labels: baby, cakes, celebrations, cooking and baking, hightea at 3pm, restaurant desserts, yummy yummy
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
busy week 15th!
PLEASE log on to facebook to view the pictures!
my baby is great... after all the shopping and i end up with a little pull here and there... my baby has been great! started the week with last minute shopping for little gifts to thank my collegues for being understanding and helping me out whenever i needed a hand. then i went home almost everyday to help sis in the areas that i was in need. went to print her wedding pictures. ate my last durian before wednesday's consultation. durians are a BIG NONO! was adviced not to take any more sweet things... its causing me irritation, rashes and suffering from discharge... no carbo and sweet stuff... difficult but tried cos sis wedding and upcoming events makes it impossible!
baby is good! with gx around, the little one was awake. we talked to our baby asking to see the gender before gog in for our scan! but our little one, toss and turn and started kicking the legs so fast, our gynae commented that kicking so fast like a MU soccer player... haha... baby's dad is a liverpool fan... after all the kicking, legs were crossed... so much for being cheeky like us! doc lim said that my blood test is good, womb is good, baby is growing but i have to watch my diet. as usual before the scanner is off, baby looked at the scanner and doc lim was nice to print out the little one's face shot for us. due to the lack of space in my blog... i guess i have to load it on facebook! going to post pics on facebook and link it on blog... tried all means and i dun want to end up paying for it! so add me to your facebook if you haven!
i was on half day on thursday, head home to see the twins coming home from shanghai! really miss these 2 little darlings! then with mum and aunt we head to far east floral and total forgot i was gog into the cold room... i didnt wear sweater and brave the cold in my sleeveless dress! got lots of flowers! cost a bomb of almost $300! yup... but it turned out very nice! my mum's house was well decorated! aunt k worked on many pieces whereas i concentrated on one master piece.
then relatives flow in and the house was filled with excitment! then a phone call upset my mum so much. unexpected but we accept the decision. gx helped my mum amend the seating arrangement again. mum was stressed out with so many thing on her hand. lucky she had many to help her out esp aunt K! i head home to pack luggage but instead i was so tired that i have to nap. then i woke up at 1am to pack bags for hotel stayover! i end up on bed at 2am+ and couldn't sleep!!! by the time the alarm went off i dun think i slept much!
Friday Dec 19th was sis's big day! woke up later than we planned to!!! rushed off to mum's and alot of my relatives were there at the carporch. they were waiting for sis to come down for the "comb hair"ceremony. glad i made it on time! after which sis was doing makeup, the whole family was preparing to dress up too. mum was busy in the kitchen, making tea and preparing breakfast. i was busy snapping i detail shot for sis. photographer was late. I DUN LIKE THE PHOTOGRAPER! terrible attitude. late, snap less than prob 3 pics, went to smoke... wonder if there is going be any detail shots! OMG! can't stand him!!! already i was warned of his stupid concept of not taking table shots... knew he would be a trouble maker of not being happy taking any group shots then... true enough!!! he made so many of us so mad with his stupid comments and standing at the wrong place all the time! ERGH!!! he makes a wonderful pre-wedding photographer but sucks at being a actual day person!
Played the piano with ann for sis when she came back from guy side. We played through the arbor and carried on with some other pieces. then L was going to perform the important task. the little boy is supposed to roll on the bed to bring the couple good luck for having children! he was so shy but his daddy managed to think of ways for him to roll around! after the tea ceremony, uncle M who loves bringing up the party mood, got me to play the piano while her daughter sang a song with him. then i grab my new bro-in-law and got him to sing for sis. I didnt get to drink the tea... cos i am preg. aunt O didnt want my baby luck to clash with sis' wedding luck... won't be good for the 2 of us... so daniel sang as i play and my sis blushed! then we head to hotel and no time to stop! we were preparing, q to shower and do our makeup for sis' rom!
i was in-charge of the little flower gals walking in! i have been training with them separately! the cupcakes arrived and they looked lovely! i wish i can post photos here! the whole walk-in went well except that after the whole rom ceremony i was so mad with the photographer! ever hear photographers tell your guest esp if they are your family that I CAN'T TAKE SUCH A BIG GROUP SHOT???? it like omg! so unprofessional! i really can't stand that! i stormed out after pulling some chairs to solve the photo problem! then i heard the photographer sigh cos he said he wanted to take smaller group photo... ergh! i went to cool down, walked back in to eat my cupcakes! was so tired before the dinner.... went in to sit at the quiet ballroom. its was peaceful and the banquet mgr came to me with a little pillow... i was stunned... it was for my back!
the service was great! he was so attentive! heard my bro say that preg lady need to sit... he proceed to ask if i wanted warm water or... i say hot... cos the aircon will cool it in no time! very thoughtful cos i can't drink anything else!!! the dinner went well. my sis looked so beautiful! she look so great in all her dresses! she had 6 hairdo changes! one more than me! she was lucky don came and worked great with their makeup fren jesslin. sis tailored all her gowns from the same gown-making shop as me! we get to stay over in marriot. uncle m gave sis 6 rooms as a wedding present.
sat 20th dec - woke up and we went up to sis bridal suite to watch the video clip. it was very nicely done! sis ordered macdonald's breakfast for everyone. we rested and then head back to rooms to checkout. some of us head to suntec for the next party! Ann and i booked a party for the young cousins. We organised this session as xmas presents for all the kiddos. they had fun and so did the adults! then to wrap up the party we head to a smaller room on level 3 at suntec to throw ben a surprise! we sang him a bdae song as he approach the place! he was surprised. we had a photo session and head to tony romas for late lunch! went back to mum's place to view the photos taken at my sis wedding! head home and fell deep asleep!
sun 21st dec - party goes on! at 3pm we were at merchant court market cafe to surprise uncle j. i was exhausted as this was the 3rd day event in a row! went back to mums to view photos again! my family never get sick looking at photos or videos! esp again and again! we love looking at the event again! slept early and was glad my holiday has started!!! baby was stretching alittle more now! but glad baby behaved very well during the busy wedding day! moving into week16th!
Posted by
elsie thng
8:15 AM
Labels: baby, birthday, buffets, celebrations, hightea at 3pm, wedding
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My last baking class for 2008
i am so glad to have attended this class as i always want to learn how to make most of these cookies and i look forward to bake them! after class, together with gx, we head to colsbar to have lunch. gx had curry which was not bad and the gals had omelettes while i gobble a pork chop! head to holland v to get my favourite bread! milkpan from provence. i bot 10! 6 for gx family and 4 for mums. opf cos the gals were glad i made a pitstop there cos they too are provence fans! then i head to mums place for dinner and gx had to help mum work further on the guest list cos there were last minute changes. everyone was counting down to sis wedding!
Posted by
elsie thng
9:21 PM
Labels: cookies, cooking and baking, yummy yummy
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Week 14th - walk and walk ... walk!
Monday 8th dec... so glad after the busy day out on Sunday comes a monday that i dun have to WORK!!! with the rainy cold day, still i was up early... went early lunch with Gx family. we had hot bak kut teh on a rainy morning. the body felt so warm. after which we head to novena sq. i said i wanted to get juice... it was to get mil to see clothes... i wanted to get her some new clothes for cny as xmas present. she found a suit she liked and gx bought it for her as xmas gift. she plans to wear that lovely suit for my sis wedding.went hope watched no reservations with gx and i love the show. had a long nap and woke up in the night to go eat dinner. lazy day... needed it to restore energy...
Tuesday 9th dec - felt so letargic back at work... i am starting to feel ... at work... changes... i need to inject new energy... new ideas... new attitude... i am waiting for winter breakkkkkk need it badly. need to recharge. after easa, i went home...
Wednesday 10th dec - met up with aunt k and nesa and we went to plaza sing... wanted company to check out the maternity shop for legging... ate waffle at gelares then ann came by to join us and i shared with her my tots for this year kiddos present and she was excited and agreed with my plan! glad my xmas presents for the kidos are settled! when i got home, my tummy pulled and felt alittle pain in my baby belly... i hope that our baby is ok... think i could have walked too much!
Thursday 11th dec - after easa i head down to vivo to meet up with gx. today i forgot my hp... he's now calmer with me forgeting things... but it has been since a while that i did forget my hp! so with a last phone call made in school, i was to wait for gx at WOF shop. he was 30mins late... lucky me ate something while walking around before he came. before meeting him, i managed to get some new stuff for my wardrobe for cny. pretty much done shopping for my cny. went on to check out shirts for gx to wear to my sis wedding. when i sat on the couch infront of the changing room, looking in the mirror i looked so sleepy... tired and i look so round! gx was very sweet with me. we didnt grab dinner, went home to have fruits.
Friday 12th dec - another busy day after school! met up with ann and we went down to bugis to meet up with nesa and aunt k. had my durian crave settled. went back to the same shop to get my durian pudding. ann ordered the durian rolls. the skin of the rolls are like machi but wished they omitted the dessicated coconut.
the boys especially was very critical what cupcake to choose! We pass one cupcake around and gave our verdict. then we go on to the next cupcake. after 6 rounds and we chose 2 for sis' wedding. we were very detailed with the cupcake from the colours of the rose to the kind of piping for the cream. looking forward to see the outcome on sis rom.
Posted by
elsie thng
12:18 AM
Labels: cakes, celebrations, yummy yummy
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Sis' GuoDaLi
Sunday 7th was Sis GuoDaLi. i love traditions cos it got this very festive mood. my Guodali was very red. the red really brings out the mood! cos the cake boxes are all red, gx and i was wearing red too... will try to find my pics... i used to save most of my pre-wedding pics on mum's computer but her com crashed... will see if i can find my old photo cds and if i did managed to save them.... if i do find it i will post them...
forgot to bring camera stand... should have cos the pic taken by m was shaky and blur... too bad bro was still on the plane from vietnam... so he wasn't in this family pic. i am getting rounder... face getting bigger... hopefully i look alright on the wedding day...
Posted by
elsie thng
9:36 AM
Labels: celebrations
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Week 13 was a BUSY week!
GOSH!!! i started this entry on tues but never got to finish till SAT! everynite i sit down for less then 15mins and i head for the bed! tired cos almost everyday i have been running around to shop for xmas, sis' wedding, i even started cny clothing shopping! its hard to get fitting non-preg clothes so when i see it i rather get it first!
Week 13 -my little one had a busy week! prob busy stretching that i experienced pulls here and there in my baby belly! a pretty scary experience for me cos i was worried that something was wrong... Wednesday 3rd Dec - couldnt get up cos there were pulls... almost like cramps but not as painful ... i went to gynae and dr.l said that its normal... baby's growing and so is my tummy.
Posted by
elsie thng
9:35 PM
Thursday, December 04, 2008
good things are GOOD!
how i wish good things happen everyday! but if thats so, we may not know whats good and more treasure the good things. got the pics from dap. looking at the wild mushroom quiche. esp the veg crackers... was glad i had it. the chocolate truffle cake... if i ever want this i will need to go with good company who loves chocolate!

Posted by
elsie thng
7:03 PM
Labels: yummy yummy