martina's wedding photos from may

thanksgiving. an american holiday. to be thankful for what they had ... dun know much cos my tcher didnt emphasis too much about it. just hear as much i can when she read a story to the kids.
yesterday was a crazy day. i spilt blue paint on my left shoe... then got paint on my top and pants, a kido kick the orange paint onto the floor accidently... then i spilt the afternoon snack smoothie twice... bad day with liquid!
looked forward to go out with gx yesterday. I am really thankful for having him. only he can take my nonsence! he accomodates me alot. guess he understand me alot. glad he thinks alot jus like me and we had a different view today then as of the 1st time. Details were important and we had a great conversation. love watching movies with him. he catches alot of things very fast and i sometimes just dun get it, he can explain to me. the focus took us off track and its got more depth than jus what people see... but how many people actually got what it was saying? i really think not many! and people who judge are the worse... cos they can't see why. confuse never mind its for myself to understand. Really glad he didnt fall asleep! most important he understand why. sometimes what may not be logical to you, you have to go thru it and try to see the logic...
after the movies it was still raining. we headed to geylang i suggested trying the fermented beancurd cos i never tried it before in singapore. he tried it quite awhile ago with his friends. mayb bcos it was raining... could still smell the stench but the smell was not strong. he ordered the ma la stinky beancurd which i didnt like cos too spicy wished he ordered the fried ones... the porridges was very watery but it turn out light and nice, quite like it. lucky we ordered fried intestine to go with it cos only century egg in it...

the intestine was crispy and nice. i like bitesize and not chunks. the noodles was ok. the steam egg was very soft and too hot and not much taste... just the right texture but sad to say not nice. mines better!

veridict: can try! beancurd not bad!
schedule for today: pack room! bot too many things over the last 2 months! gota trash old stuff and find place to store new stuff! LAUNDRY day...xianz but no choice busy weekend. ann's family organise thanksgiving dinner. something new this year and looking forward to tonites turkey dinner!
schedule for friday: seriuouly nothing scary but i can understand how others feel cos that how i felt at first. sceptical. but as it goes nobody would believe. anyway, the free trial for facial mask is true. it was good. mask is about $9 a piece and its free and i just wana give it away, in effect almost like a free facial. i had no intention to sell plans cos i myself is just buying products only cos its effective. will be meeting up with people who decided to try the mask. meet aunt k for lunch tomolo.
schedule for saturday: chruch wedding, ck wedding. gx gog to be one of the bestman! love him in suits! then prob go home discuss xmas party stuff... from chalet to bintan now back to resort in JB... gota work things out.
schedule for sunday: no plans yet... rest day before work...
schedule for monday: back to work and ck wedding dinner at oriental. prob end very late cos gx will prob stay longer.