Wednesday, November 28, 2007

everything has to come to an end

this is a very important week.

I pray that things dun happen. I tried to endure. People who dun go thru it daily should try it out. it not easy. why it happens cos theres no full-stop, not even commas, just always sad endings. think its time to wrap it up. its not good for anyone at all.

just started yet how come i feel sad ... i hope things turn out well. its so stressful to have such forceful start... hope this will end in a perfect way. i pray for them.

worse of all, my good friend, the one i always talk to in school, share my cookies with, always have things to dicuss from korean drama to music to tidbits..., always lend me her listening ears, she is always the angel vs the devil in me, she helped me pull thru days at work, dam sad rite now, listening to songs that will make me tear, 2 more days.

there will be more challenges i have to face since i decided to voice my unhappiness. I dun see why i should be bullied.

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