Friday, August 15, 2008

dear's melbourne trip

incomplete post since 2nd august! cos GX is so busy that he doesn't have time to update this blog for me at all! these are some of his photos he took! the text is by me, for what i know... well not many pics cos he say this is a working trip not leisure! he had to do report when he got back from Melbourne!

day 1 in Melbourne : upon arrival, he had to take a cab to the hotel he was staying at, apparently a very good hotel cos each nite cost $350+++??? around there if i remembered correctly. then he left the hotel to find my uncle by cab... the taxi cost a bomb! each trip about S$50! found my uncle and his mgr. then they left for singapore and he was all alone with the bigshots from other companies from singapore for the next few days.

no idea where this is... gota wait for him to be free... when? i dun know! he took mainly food shots for me to see what he had for meals, mainly dinner! he said the food he had was not bad.

i wish i was there... i love the seafood in australia!
this might be the reception area of the casino next to his hotel? i love the lights and effects of this place. he prob took it cos he knew i would like it.

day 2 in Melbourne : guess this is view from his hotel room in day time. he gotta wake up pretty early to eat breakfast at hotel and then join the group for more company viewing trips.

this is one of the warehouse he visited. he took alot of interior of warehouses he visited for work which i didnt post cos those are work stuff. he told me that on his way to one of the freezer warehouse... he saw a whole truck of sheep ... he visited the warehouse then the company served lunch... guessed what they had....lamb.

he was in shirt tie and coat for the whole trip. the weather was cooling cos its winter in Melbourne and he loves it cos its still comfortable to wear jacket cos he doesn't feel hot. he wasn't alone, everynite he had dinner with a group of guys. well he took some pics with them but i better not upload them. gx said they were very nice. he had vietnamese food, greek food but no chinese gfood thou.
at nite on melbourne streets... he had the whole room to himself!
no bathtub thou.... think the night view looks better than day view!

this is prob the lobby of the hotel.
wonder was it so dim lit where the seats are or it was late that they save energy?

he knows i like details and prob took for me to see how the interior was decorated. love the wall next to the lifts!
day 3 in Melbourne : decided to post this blur shot... he visited many warehouse each day, dealing with different stuff. i haven been to his office and warehouse yet but i guess its all so huge and having so many goods stacked on top of each other.
he prob going to kill me when he sees his pic! guess this company he visited dealt with food. cover all up! including shoes!!!
my guess is that he took this on the coach. his last view of melbourne before he fly back... he had his laptop and lugguage and coat to hold so all he bought was nougats for office and family.

i woke up at 4.45am and got up to check his flight and left the house at 5.15am took a cab to T3 to give him a surprise. his flight landed 5mins earlier. tot i saw him at the lugguage collection area but couldn't get thru his hp. after he finished his conversation with the people he met from his trip, he finally call me. he was surprised to see me... alone! took a cab home and got "scolded" =not seriuosly scolding but worried about me, for not telling my in-laws about leaving so early, they woke up hearing the door opened and worried. i felt bad to have made them worried. i left for school immediately and was alittle late.

dear left for work but came home alittle earlier than usual. he started unpacking his "goody bag", everytime he visted a company, they were given a gift. this pen is very cool! the pen is covered in velvet. at the airport, dun how come but he got a thumbdrive! wished he bought the mints from melbourne...

all the namecards and brochures that he needs to go through to write reports! i bought him taiwanese dinner... too bad it doesn't taste like the ones we had in taiwan ... but it was nice to have dinner with gx cos for so many days i didnt get to see him...
i am glad he is back! cos i couldn't really sleep everynite without worrying about him. i slept right after dinner...

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