Saturday, August 23, 2008

Spa party for Wendy

Wendy is leaving in early sept to Australia... relocating there for 2 years or more... So we threw a spa party at la touche. angie's spa. right after school, headed straight for my massage... i needed one badly! wendy was already going thru her massage when i arrived. the massage was good. i was still down with my flu and i was so tired that i fell deep asleep... penny had arrived and eilen was in the room for her massage when i woke up...

dinner : angie ordered sushi from a japanese restaurant. mostly cooked topping and fillings for the sushi cos we have got 2 preg ladies! one's having her 4th and the other having her 2nd baby. the sushi was nice. there was tempura prawns for each of us.

for PJ party how can we not have pizzas! we had 2 choices for pizza from Sarpino's. we were all very hungry after the massage! but it did felt alittle funny to be in pjs at her shop front esp when people who walked past looked in!

then after dinner we proceed inside to sit on the couches to chat. we chatted over some seriuos issues and of cos most of the time we were laughing our hearts out. it was good to see everyone again. what i love about this group is we share our experiences and we can chat about anything. very minimal gossips, we rather be laughing at ourselves and i like that! we never pick on each other, we jus laugh it of!

i went on to serve dessert. the panna cotta that got me very worried! i kept worrying that it might not set! cos when i did it on thurs i wasn't in a very clear mind. mil fell sick and came home. but i had promised the gals the dessert. i was worried for mil while doing the dessert. to scoop 12tbsp of water, i recounted 3 times to get it right. and i wasn't even sure if i had the correct number when i added the gelatine! i felt that i either added too much water or too little gelatine. it took a long time to set and when i went to bed, i jumped out to check on it again if it had set! it was still soft... but lucky thing is that it still stood well when i transfered it onto the plates yesterday... just a little softer. glad the gals liked it.

cos there was only 3 of us drinking the sparkling wine... i drank 2 glasses and i felt so sleepy! i left the party early and i drop dead on my bed once home! i wish wendy all the very best! she is a lucky woman with beautiful family. a nice husband and 2 cute kidos. i find the couple very brave to make such a big decision. i hope they do well over in australia! she would be my 2nd friend who is staying in Australia!

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