left a family who loves her alot at 11.30am, 26th of February.
she was a strong cat who did fight her cancer bravely.
a cat that always make me scream, shocked, tripped, jumped, annoyed, bullied, but she did bring me fond memories and i will miss her.
Our Cat Meowly,
named after a shoe shop, started to live with us from Dec 1995 when my dad picked her up from the streets in our neighbourhood and brought her home to become our pet. She was almost instantly rejected by my mum who did not like the idea of having a cat around the house cos of her fur and the inconvenience of having her poo and pee all over the house.
Twice meowly ran out of the house but twice she returned abused and battered. Our hearts sank when we saw her condition and my mum also relented cos she pitied the poor little creature which had been abused. In the end, it was mostly mum who nursed meowly back to the pink of health. The most amazing thing that happened that persuaded my mum that we can keep her was when meowly started to do her biz in the toilet. By some miracle she toilet trained herself and we need not worry that she would poo or pee all over the place.
From then on, meowly became our pet and slowly she became more of a family member than just a pet (i renamed her tan meowly much later, forcing her to adopt our family surname). Meowly brought lots of joy and companionship to our family especially to my sister who was often left alone at home with meowly. She was clever and adorable .. yet naughty and mischievous most of the time. She would bite and scratch my mum and sis but would go hide whenever my dad or i appear.
i was the disciplinarian when it came to meowly matters at home. i am the one who will cane meowly or slap her on the thigh when she misbehaved. but disciplining her does not make me love her less.
after 11 years, we finally have to let her go. it was unbearable for all of us cos this cat has changed so much of our lives and has gone through so much with us through the years. i still believe that meowly has brought us luck so much so that our lives have been smooth sailing and we have upgraded along the way.
we all love meowly for all she was ... we wonder where she has gone and hope that she has found the freedom she has lost 11 years ago when she was brought to our home. we miss her dearly and we have decided that she would be the one and only cat that our family would ever have.
goodbye meowly