Saturday, February 03, 2007

HDB : Hate dumb blocks!

really hate them was so mad yesterday after rushing down to hdb hub then gerald tells me our q no. is 3000+ its 3pm when he got there... i was asking who let teh cat outa bag! must be someone who did that if not how come people q the last time round when there was a walk-in! and the wo bao also reported it on newspaper that people started queuing 2 days ago.

hate it! never play fair those who q should be penalised! they should! i will never get a new flat in toa payoh near my in-laws cos we are no frens with anybody at hdb hub! and they should stop acceptingcos wasting paper getting us to fill form, people's time play dirty and make people hope for nothing! get us to write in and queue and inform lah xianz! stupid systems q & Q & q this is our 4th time 2 times walk-in 2 times ballot. resale is really expensive. I am jus so pissed.

there are only 500 units and for toa payoh there are only 3 or lessunits available for chinese.

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