day 5 : Keelung and Jiufen
Day 5: woke up late cos this hotel was the best on this trip and i slept well cos the room was cosier and more comfortable. then we headed out the street next to our hotel which was bustling with people and stalls were all gone. we took a cab to a fish port. had different seafood like sea urchins, a steamed special fish, bamboo prawns in herb soup, a shell like mussel and cheese mini lobster. when we were getting into a cab to get bac to the city area, the cab driver started driving off when i was trying to get in... thus i sort of ran with the cab. i shouted dun remember what then he stopped the car. my right toe was skinned only alittle and my left heel had a blister.
got our hand carries and head off to the bus station. we stopped to get some mochi cakes and drinks and board the bus to jiufen. the curvy roads were endless as we scale to higher ground at each turn. this place is very tourisy.
when we got there we went up this 2 storey viewing place to eat our desserts we bot. the mochi was nice. but the chocolate cake was so-so. then we tried the octopus black sausage, black sugar chewy little squares sweet and a japanese pastry stick.
many shops along the way up the slope but it was not difficult to climb as there were many to shops to stop by. my favourite shop has to be the wind instrument shop. i bot a 13note simple ocarina.
then we headed to a higher ground to have tea and to enjoy the scenery. it was a little cloudy.
bot loads of biscuits and ended up with many bags in hand. we took the bus to ruifang train station. while waiting for the train we tried the bento. it was nice. it had different stuff in it.
the train was packed and we sat it all the way bac to taipei main station and headed bac to hotel. next we headed to zhongxiao area to find a restaurant called top-d they serve mostly prawns and it was good! yummy.
this area was quiet and we walked a long way then we saw a supermarket that is opened 24hrs so we popped in and walked. after that we continued all the way down and saw this furry big sized cat in a pet shop
we left to walk on and finally saw sogo, it was huge, but closed. no where to go we headed bac to XMT. walked thru the streets and we had supper near our hotel. the chicken bits were good and we tried a kind of leave like aloe vera but really smaller cos its was a whole piece. smaller than palm size, it was fresh, sour and sweet cos drizzled with honey. end of day 5. was busy packing till almost 2am!
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