events in life...
many times unexpectedly things happen or when we choose not to happen but there will always be a reaction. regrets well definitely there will be regrets...
After all the time at com, fixing fotos for album and blog, i ended up with bad headache for 2 nites, for staring at the pc too long too hard. then i struggle with the headache to finish the album, then realise that i left our the fotos taken at the temples... i dun like undone projects, so i was busy fixing the fotos before meeting with aunt k and nesa. we went to Ms Jo-ann's clay shop at square2 to buy nesa bdae gift. then we went to swensen and bcos nesa is a student we got a very good deal $10 for a bowl of soup, a starter and a sundae, any sundae or starter and its not kids size, it normal portion. we then ordered a baked rice and another kids meal, fish fillet and top up value to get a mini kids 3 scoops of ice-cream. we ended our meals at 4+pm! then hurried to shop for decor for her bdae party! i wanted her to have a kido party with kido decor. as strawberry shortcake had the most decor available i persuded her to go with it. haha one of my childhood favourite was this! we managed to get little gifts for the other little cousins which was strawberry SC stuff too! then off to get bbq stuff. we eneded shopping at 8!
Saturday! met aunt K at BJ8 to collect cake and bot lunch home. after eating lunch i started my album cos i wana finish it off and i drew strawberries for nesa to colour. then we did the place settings and poster for her bdae with ann's help we decor the place and i went to start the fire! i love starting fires! but as gerald is around then he will do it. he had to work afternoon that day. so no fun for him!happy tots... nesa was busy laying out the the 'pinic place'! when everyone comes they were surprise that we had a kids area set up for the party! the twins were so cute they sat where their names were and enjoyed the baby biscuits we bot! it was fun haha! i msg every GAL cousins to wear pink or red. it was pretty when everyone sitting there was all in the smae colours! the kids loved the presents we got. we hrew the balloons down the stairs from 2nd level, the kids were excited! the balloons of cos are in pink and red but we added white and green too. had the kids to sit and colour in on strawverry SC pictures i found on the internet at 2am the nite before! cut cake and its getting more fun and it looks like when i was young with my bro, sis and cousins!
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