Thursday, June 07, 2007


my 1st summer holidays officially start today!

back to waking up at 10am... monday to wednesday was a STRUGGLE cos gota push and pull myself outa bed for work after 2wks mc. plans for hols... if possible part-time job, if not i have a list of dishes i wana learn to cook and of cos baking i hope i get thru it cos no baking buddy... my cousin found herself a part time job in JURONG ISLAND! she oso work in sas but in high school music dept. she now complaining the hours cos she gota work till 8pm. she knocks off usually by 2.30pm earlier then me! well... i will be resting cos gog for jabs and will be on medications...

my first job today is to pack my side of the room which is filled with paperbags from school... all my barang from school had to be cleared n thus now resting cos dun know where to stuff them... then off to dr chew althou not taking jab today cos afraid of it ruining my holiday. i still need to see him for new medication... then back home to finish the iternery... he's got happy hour after work in camp...

not feeling the best today cos after 3 days of spring cleaning in school, i am feeling bashed. i hope the bruises on my legs go away soon... and my energy comes back soon cos i feel like a flat battery! but i do look forward to the food in penang! feeling greedy but i shall try to control the intake cos i did lose some weight after the op... lex see... haha all the way there and not eaT???? possible???

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