connection disaster
monday blues? what a monday. Stayed over at mum's place on sunday but next morning mum's leg hurts and i sent her to the hopsital. long wait. crazy wait! hate the wait! i was dam hungry. my tcher mgs me and she wanted to talk to me regarding the slideshow. I msg her i call her bac at 3pm as we were about to go in to see doctor. thats where the connection went crazy! Mum had to do a mir on spine... on 6th june. suspected nerve been pressed and that caused her leg to go jelly and constant irritating pain. if yes, she need to go for an operation. i hope not.
to cheer her up i brought her to the new opened square2 to eat korean. i was dam hungry but waited for aunt kwai and vanessa who was on their way to join us. order 3 dishes even though the 2 of them not eating. The rice here is special at least i have never eaten like this in other korean places. its sweet as they really have pumkin, purple sweet potato,carrots and red dates pieces with the rice. mum liked it. i am glad i had time to eat with her, i am thankful. went into a korean supermarket and then while the adults went ot explore the ntuc at the top of the building i brot nesa to a korean ice-cream shop and we had grape flavour ice-cream cone. taste like grape bubblegum flavour. after lunch my left tummy was in pain. gerald was in novena sq as he had lunch with some frens there. got him to meet me so that he can bring me home. reach home at about 3.45pm! i freak out and quickly email my tcher as i promise to call her after sch! the file was to huge and wot go thru i send via all my emails and gmail went thru but bounced. she msg me at 4pm but when i called her at 4.15pm she didn't pick up and i freak out. luckily May was able to save me as she propose i send the cd to her bro shop and he can pass her and she can pass it to my tcher! i was SAVED! THANK YOU MAY!!!! we tabao dinner after passing the cd. kolo mee opened a stall in tpy. we tabao for his mum to try. after dinner came another shock, the agency called and say the hotel fully booked on the 9th and ask us to fly there on the 10th. gerald got mad as they called in the afternoon that everything is fine. she was mad kept asking us to fly 10th instead of looking for another hotel for us. bcos of tat my hp was all the time next to me in case my tcher call me but i kan jeong so i went into the room to search the net for alternatives and forget to take my hp along! and true enough she msg me to call her at 8pm. but guess what time i saw the msg! 10pm... yah wat a day!the school sent me a basket of flowers with fruits. i am touched but i was in no mood to eat anything with so many stuff gog wrong. i was worried that my tcher would be mad at me. i was worried if may remember to pass it to her. i got up early today to check email on tcher's reply and reply from penang hotel. msg May and she got it to my tcher but my tcher didnt say much... but i thankful for her help. waitied and finally my tcher send my mgs saying the slideshow was great. i called her straight away and she invited me bac to class to bide farewell to the kids at our own class graduation at 1.30pm tommorrow. i am going. I just dun wanna cry thou. i am a crybaby. glad it went well... now waiting for the stupid agency to call. hopefully everything goes smoothly.
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