Wednesday, July 16, 2008

1st wedding dinner at Marriot

after col bar we went home to nap. i watched XXX not anything explicit its the action-packed movie... not sure if the actor's name is really triple X. and if the cool XXX tatoo he had on his back of his neck is real. somehow i really like this movie. after 2.5hours of lazing, i went to prepare for faith's wedding. our plan was to leave early to avoid jams and go window shopping.

we were really early for wedding we got to the hotel by 6,30pm... we didnt do much walking as we didnt feel the mood to shop. we head down to the market place at tangs' basement and got ourselves a eggroll popiah. afterwhich we head straight up to the ballroom for drinks. the place was oredi filled with guest. but still the dinner only start at 8.45pm. the had live band singing jazzy pcs. personally i do like liveband but when i am having drinks. for me, i rather play something i know and always preferred original pcs that i know cos i am so afraid of "what happens if accidentally he goes off pitch!" the lady singer is much better that the male singer. her singing got more feel. but for their wedding, the singing was not too bad and i had so many glasses of white wine to go with the music!

just couldn't really stand the gals at the same table... to me they seem to try too hard at everything... i became very pesky when i see their actions. think i sat too long at the table. as my feet hurts , once the door swung opened, we both walked in and became 1st to sit down. never have i been the first guest to sit down at weddings! the couple looked very lovely together. think our bride fren got herself a very good hubby. we could see he's nice thou we dun know him. they looked perfect together. they got "live printout" for guest. nice touch. they have like at least 3 or 4 photographers, 2 videographers. they chose chinese cutout for giveaways. they are to be used as foam coasters but i am keeping them to use for my sis's wedding. Dun think sis is choosing this for her wedding favour. Sis's wedding is the 2nd Marriot wedding. Joyce's wedding which is on the 1st of Jan 2009 is going to be my 3rd wedding dinner at Marriot.

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